How do I care for the skin around my eyes?

How do I care for the skin around my eyes?

Dalibor Mijaljica profile image

Written by Dalibor Mijaljica BSC, PhD.

It is a little known fact that the skin around our eyes is the thinnest in the face1, measuring only 0.2mm in thickness in some people2. At QV, we know it is essential to take extra care of the skin around the eyes as part of a daily skincare routine.

So, we have paired up with QV Consultant and Dermatologist, Dr. Jacqueline Matulich who is Platinum Dermatology’s expert in adult and paediatric skin care, to get her tips on caring for the sensitive and delicate skin around the eyes.

With fewer oil glands (less sebum) and less collagen3, the sensitive skin around the eyes lacks the level of natural moisture present in other parts of the body4,5, which means it can easily become dry, inflamed and as a result, become damage-prone and age quicker2.

Caring for the skin around the eyes requires extra attention, with a combination of the right ingredients formulated in the right products2, good rest6 and sufficient hydration7 to keep this area of skin looking supple and feeling hydrated all year round.


How to keep hydrated?

Exposure to heating and air-conditioning can often result in dehydrated skin. For example, to tackle indoor climate-controlled temperatures during the changing seasons, it is important to keep hydrated throughout the day by doing the following:

  •  Invest in your favourite water bottle (that fits in your bag), so you are never without a drop.

The European Food Safety Authority indicates dietary reference values of 2.0 and 2.5 litres of water per day for women and men, between 19 and 30 years old, respectively, while The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 report establishes as adequate water intake of 2.7 and 3.7 litres per day for women and men, respectively7.

  • Aim to set the room temperature at 21–22ºC and maintain humidity levels of 60–70% to keep your skin at optimal hydration levels.

Because the 'eye bag' area is so sensitive and the skin itself is so thin, it is easily affected by lifestyle changes.

Dr. Dalibor Mijaljica 


Why moisturising matters?

It is important to moisturise the skin8-10 of the face frequently, including those sensitive areas around the eyes. Choosing moisturisers which are free from common irritants, such as soap and fragrance, but have ingredients like Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and Vitamin E (Tocopherol), can help calm and moisturise skin. Gently applying an under-eye cream that ticks all the boxes, like QV Face Revitalising Eye Cream, will help to restore hydration to the 'eye bag' area overnight, while visibly reducing fine lines and dark circles. Coupled with a good night's sleep, your face will appear more refreshed and youthful in the morning.

How to check your skin's hydration levels

An easy way to check your skin’s hydration levels on a daily basis – particularly during the hot summer months where you are likely to be confronting air-conditioning ­– is to check skin turgor/elasticity by pinching the skin on the back of your hand and then letting it go. Skin turgor/elasticity is defined by the number of seconds taken for skin to return to normal after being pinched11. Skin elasticity is considered normal if the time for the skin to return to the hand was less than 2 seconds and considered reduced if greater than 2 seconds12. Dehydrated skin is usually slow to bounce back to its normal flat position ­­– this is called reduced skin elasticity12, which usually means that your skin appears less flexible, tired, dull and wrinkled and can cause dark circles to appear under the eyes13.


Why beauty sleep is important?

Sleep should not be underestimated. Lack of sleep can leave your skin and the area around the eyes looking dry6. Because the 'eye bag' area is so sensitive and the skin itself is so thin, it is easily affected by lifestyle changes. To look and feel refreshed, it is important to ensure you are taking good care of your skin. If you tend to wake up with tired or puffy eyes, try applying QV Face Revitalising Eye Cream daily, in the morning and evening after cleansing. Simply apply a thin layer around the eye area and gently massage until absorbed. Understanding the sensitive skin area around your eyes and your specific skin needs with a daily use of a hydrating moisturiser will provide results to help you minimise the visible signs of ageing, leaving your skin looking supple and feeling hydrated at all times.

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